What Montana CDs Do

Created by the legislature, Montana’s 58 CDs provide leadership for locally led conservation. CDs are political divisions of state government. Each is governed by a non-paid elected and/or appointed board of supervisors. CDs in Montana are part of a national network of over 3,000 similarly organized conservation districts in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and some U.S. territories. Conservation districts are required by law to administer the Natural Streambed and Land Preservation Act, also known as the “310 Law”.

Granite Conservation District, Board Of Supervisors

Board Chairman: Jim Dinsmore
Vice Chairman: Jeff Conn
Supervisor: Chris Burgmeier
Supervisor: Kevin Kanduch
Supervisor/Administrator: Jody Cutler
Urban Supervisor: Dick Hoehn
Urban Supervisor: Leo Pfendler

The Board of Supervisors meet the second Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the District Office.

Agenda items must be to the office the Wednesday before the meeting.